Janji Sayang Bumi

Our promise to look around us to make a bigger impact for the earth and for others. As a form of our support to reduce plastic bags. From now on, every purchase of the Janji Jiwa's and Jiwa Toast's take away will receive a Janji Sayang Bumi bag instead of a plastic bag.

JiwaGroup Program


Through #JiwaPeduli, Janji Jiwa plays a role in appreciating the services of every 'Ojek Online' partner who is ready to face big risks to deliver Friend Sejiwa's orders. We provide food, vitamins and cloth masks so that every ojek online partner can stay healthy during this pandemic. We also provide free cash for every ojek online partner who comes to Volume. In addition, in several volumes of Promise Jiwa throughout Indonesia, including Kopi Janji Jiwa Batam and Kopi Janji Jiwa GGG also provides care and support to health workers by providing a number of menus of Coffee From the Heart and Soul Toast which will be enjoyed by a number of medical workers.

CSR Klaten-Jilid437
CSR Jiwa-Patriot
CSR Garut-Jilid401